For Redwood Suites
You, travelers and potential guests, are learning about new things to consider when planning staying in inns. We want to help you to know what being clean and safe means to Redwood Suites. For the safety and health of our guests, we have adopted Clean + Safe guidelines as recommended by the California Hotel & Lodging Association and the California Association of Boutique Breakfast Inns.
Our Plan As We Return To Normal Operations
- We plan to ensure that our employees expectations regarding a clean and safe work environment are met or exceeded, taking into consideration those caring for others or with children at home, and try to allay any concerns they may have about returning to the workplace.
- For our guests, this will possibly be a new way of experiencing staying in inns. We want to help you to know what being clean and safe means to us.
Enhanced Communications
- We communicate often with our employees to help them gain confidence in their clean and safe environment.
- It’s very important that our guests feel safe. To have our guests experience this is step #1.
- We must be willing and able to change or adapt to new ideas of guest safety and comfort, and to this end we are committed to keep learning and applying practices that help us reach our Clean + Safe goals.
Guest Considerations
Since “less touching” is perceived as being better for the guest experience we will reduce touching, of anything, as much as possible.
Guest Arrival
- We provide prominent signage and directions for guest, often by email or text prior to arrival.
- We request guests and visitors to use hand sanitizer.
- We have placed sanitation all around the inn, the restaurant and the reception area.
- Employees will not act as valets or open vehicle doors for guests.
- We provide face masks for guest who don’t have, or wish to have, them.
Guest Rooms
- All highly touchable points in each room are sanitized prior to every stay.
- There is no housekeeping service during a stay. If a guest wishes additional amenities, towels, pillows, etc. they will be dropped off for them, but not put into the room.
- Guests may dine in their room or in the common area, but their food delivery must be picked up by them, not delivered.
Physical Distancing
- We strive for and strongly suggest appropriate physical distancing.
- When state or local occupancy levels are mandated, we meet or exceed the requirements.
- Seating in the VI Restaurant tavern and dining area is arranged to allow for proper distancing of patrons.
Websites / Reservations
- We attempt to communicate cleanliness and safety practices through our on-line reservation documents.
- Late arrivals and other special needs are met with printed instructions for our guests.
- We can accept payment electronically without ever touching the guest’s credit card if need be.
Dining Considerations
- We have implemented a Grab-and-Go Breakfast Service as suggested by the CHLA and CABBI.
- We strongly recommend advance reservations for seating in our dining room.
- Our To-Go Service is available daily.
Hand Washing
- All employees must wash their hands or use sanitizer every hour as well as immediately following using the bathroom, sneezing, touching their face or nose, general cleaning, smoking, eating and drinking.
COVID-19 Training
- All employees have been educated regarding the Center of Disease Control information and guidance regarding COVID-19.
- All dining room and kitchen staff, plus the owners Lowell and Jenny, hold valid certified food handlers certificates, per state regulations.
- Online training programs are encouraged for employees.
- Employees are aware of the important protocols and procedures for guests.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Based on their work responsibilities all employees use proper PPE in accordance with state or local regulations or guidance.
- Per CDC, since face coverings (masks) are deemed effective when difficult or im¬possible to maintain social distancing, masks may be required for guests and/or employees.
- Masks and gloves should be worn by housekeepers.
- CDC guidance asks that PPE equipment worn by employees should be kept clean at all times.
Temperature Checks
- We have implemented temperature checks for employees even though CDC guidelines do not require them.
- Employees with a temperature over 100.4°F are not allowed on the property and will be directed to medical care.
We use cleaning products meeting EPA guidelines and which are approved as being effective against viruses, bacteria and other airborne and blood borne pathogens. We use them as directed and select disinfectant products with asthma-safer ingredients and consult Chemical Data Sheets (SDS) for use, mixing ratios, and how to properly protect employees.
Public Spaces And Common Areas
- We have Increased the frequency of cleaning and sanitizing all public spaces with special attention to the most used surfaces such as the front desk counter, door knobs, public bathrooms, keys and locks, handrails and dining area.
Guest Rooms
- We use accepted cleaning and sanitizing procedures when cleaning rooms. Particular attention is given to commonly touched surfaces in each room. If applicable, kitchen items are cleaned after each stay. All appliances and devices are treated in the same manner.
- Using CDC guidelines all linens and laundry are washed at the highest appropriate temperatures.
- When possible, we leave rooms vacant for 24 or more hours between guests. (Optional)
Back Of The House
- We clean and sanitize the back of house areas with a greater frequency.
Room Recovery Protocol
- Should a suspected case of COVID-19 become known, that guest’s room will be removed from service and quarantined. The guest room should not be returned to service until the case has been confirmed or cleared. If the case is confirmed as positive the room will not become available to others until it undergoes stricter sanitation protocols as established by CDC guidelines.
Air Filter and HVAC Cleaning
- We have increased the frequency of changing the air filters in our tavern and dining room areas to maximize fresh air exchange.
Third Party Suppliers
- We hold our suppliers and their employees to our own symptom screening and social distancing requirements.
Personal Distancing – 6 Feet Away
- Use soap and water or hand sanitizer (minimum of 60% alcohol) frequently.
- Employees must stay home if sick.
- Six feet of social distancing should be maintained and groups avoided.
- Inform everyone, guests and employees alike, of COVID-19 protection practices.
- Frequently clean and sanitize all public spaces, especially surfaces in frequent contact.
- Encourage everyone to use personal protective equipment (PPE). Require it of employees, depending on their job duties.